Squidoo and Hubpages - Profitable Idea

Here it is at the end of the month again. Time to set goals for September and tally up August's totals. I didn't reach my goal in August so I got to work harder in September. But I did learn alot in August.

I have been working on Squidoo and Hubpages getting as many articles as I can up on both of them. This is my reasoning of why I am working so hard with these two sites.

First, this is all FREE!
You can write about anything that you want on either site, and you can put links in to other sites, and if you are a member of clickbank, you can link there. They both will give you access to sell stuff from ebay, and hubpages has Amazon links. And you make money with Adsense. All this is easy to add to the pages. These are easily found by the search engines, and these are like one page niche sites, without the hassle or the out of pocket expenses.

So if you have 100 articles on one site (lets use hubpages for the example). I have 100 links to my website, and blog. ( I always link to my sites, even if I am not writing about it, I will put a link to a period just to link back to my sites. I also have 100 chances for people to purchase from Amazon or Ebay, and since I work in a link from Clickbank into every article I put on the sites, I also am advertising 100 times with that. Now the nice thing is, since I can write about anything, I chose things that aren't over saturated so that increases my chance of being found on Google.

Now if I redo the articles and post them on Squidoo, I have double the chances of getting found on the web. So now I will have 200 chances of selling things online, and getting people to click on my clickbank or my affiliate sites.

With the same article again changed, I will post to Associated Content to get paid upfront from them at least making a profit from the articles that way.

While I may not be making a lot of money from Squidoo and Hubpages right now, I have a goal of getting 250 articles up a month to both places. I have a goal of 6 months to start showing a real profit. Without spending a dime. It will take alot of planning and determination to do this and not get sidetracked, but it's a workable plan. It is only about 8 articles a day to get online, and they don't even have to be long articles, just informative articles with good keywords. If you look over the stuff that people have submitted you see there is a variety of topics that can be written about.

So if you want to start making money without working on it daily, start out with the free sites like hubpages and squidoo pages.

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