Making Money with Hub Pages

Hubpages is a great place to make money. I have been using them for over a year and here is what I have learned.

Adsense: Don't put a picture in the 1st capsule, let adsense be there. I had a photo in every 1st capsule and was making decent money, BUT once I removed that picture and moved it under my 1st block of text my adsense has increased. So your 1st block of text, also called a capsule should be about 500 words, and adsense will fit nicely in there. You still want to write great content so that people will come to your hubpages.

Ebay: I have made quite a few sales on EBay from Hubpages. Choose products that are related to your article and they will sell.

Clickbank - writing reviews for clickbank isn't recommended, but you can write an article and add your link to clickbanks and increase your sales at clickbank.

Amazon: I have Amazon listed on every page. Not one sale. I don't know if more people rather shop at Ebay than Amazon but so far no one has bought anything.

Hubpages Newest money making deal for you:
Kontera - this is new, just started a few weeks ago, I'm still waiting on my approval so then I will report on how well it does. I will be adding it to all my hubs as soon as I'm approved.

So you can make money if you use hubpages, but then Hubpages are also great for adding backlinks to your niche sites and your blogs, you can RSS feeds into hubpages from your blog, you can link from hubpages to a blog or website. There are many possiblities with hubpages.

It's free to use and easy to sign up. If you get stumped there is a 24/7 forum with many great answers there.

Sign up today and start earning money with hubpages.

New Design

I changed the design for the blog. I'm not so sure I like it now since it's up and running. I may change it yet again. The other one was just too crowded, and hard to read.

New Blog for Niche Sites

I decided to make a blog detailing my journey making niche sites. I have some of the niche sites that I have done so far listed on the new site, as well as the steps and links that I use to research each topic.

The site can be found here..

So far I am averaging $1 a day with adsense and I made my 1st .31 cent sale on ebay from one of my niche sites. WOO HOO!! Coffee for everyone! lol (just kidding)

I am learning more shortcuts to make these sites better and faster, this weekend I have worked hard on another site that will be ready to go up next weekend.

I am still debating on if bigger sites with more pages is better than smaller tighter niche sites. Right now I am going with the small and quick sites, because they're easiest while I am still learning. Each site is about 10 pages. So it's really not that small of a site.

So check out my new blog and see how I am doing on my journey.

Working hard on niche sites

I have been making niche sites lately. Right now I have 4 online and getting more and more every week. I download the template from and build from there. It takes about 10-12 hours to build one.

One site that I had done was indexed within a week, and I made my first sale for ebay yesterday. Not bad considering its been online for about 11 days. I haven't really advertised it, people are finding it from Google search.

I put ebay listings on them and adsense. Sometimes I will add products from clickbank if I can find something relevant.

Its slow going for niche sites, but they are getting easier and quicker to do. I find a topic that I want to do, then do some research, find about 10 keywords, I then write an article for each keyword then make that its own page. The articles contain keywords and the title does too. After I get the website laid out and articles done, I'm fished with it. Then I head off to godaddy to buy my site. I upload and I'm finished.

I think that I may be able to make more money online with niches than doing anything else. Keyword research is the hardest but the most crucial part of the niche sites. I will start advertising the sites soon, right now I was just waiting to see what happens with them on their own. They are getting traffic but I do believe that I will be able to get more.