Update on DayTipper - SCAM?

I submitted 22 tips to daytipper.com Only 1 was accepted. Now I had some really good tips, but they rejected most of them. I have no idea when I will be getting paid for them. It's really not worth it.

On their homepage they have statistics. 19,614 tips submitted and 5,240 accepted, yet they only have 2,131 tips published. Seems that they may not have the money to pay out to the people, at this rate my tip will never get published, and I will not ever get paid. Seems that they only publish a few tips a day.

The rejection rate seems very high. They only accept a quarter of what is submitted. This is a waste of time. Don't even bother with them. The concept is great, $3.00 for each tip, but waiting to get paid sucks.

I still like Associated Content, where you know when you will get paid, and they pay you on time

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