Day Tipper

I checked out a new website this week. Daytipper. This website is free to join and will pay you $3.00 for every tip they accept and publish. I had submitted 3 tips which I tought were good tips. but they were all rejected.

I'm not ready to knock down this website yet. Maybe they already had these tips, or just didn't see a need for them. The website still is a good place to earn quick money I think.

You submit the tip, wait for them to accept it. Once they do, and they publish it they will deposit $3.00 in your PayPal. You don't have to write a whole article on the tip, just clearly state the tip. If you can find tips that they will accept, you can make some real money here. It doesn't take any time at all to type up the tips and submit them.

Since you don't get any credit for sending people over to the website you can apply and sign up at . Check it out, you maybe able to make yourself some quick cash.

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