Working full-time and taking care of a family and other things leave little time to work online to earn money. While you know that in the end it will be best for you when you get the passive income rolling in from Adsense, and other affiliate programs, finding time to do it can be your biggest challenge. So how can you do this?
1. Lists - Make lists of what you want to achive in a year, then break it down into smaller tasks, like months then weeks. This doesn't have to written in stone, or done in one sitting, but you do need a game plan to achieve what you want to.
2. Make a detailed list of daily or weekly things that you want to achieve. This means to make a list of a website that you want to set up, or a blog posting. In the detailed list you want to write short notes about what the message will be, the keywords you need to use and what you need to write about. This will help motivate you on what you want to use and write about.
3. Just Do it. Easier said than done. But if you have a written list it will be easier to stay on track and complete what you need. If you have written that you need to complete an article in one evening, and you have your keywords that you want to use, the notes about what you want to say, it will take you no time at all to complete that article and finish it. It's always easier to get it worked out before you actually sit down and try to think about what you want to say.
4. Repeat as needed. Keep doing it over and over and you will get it taken care of. It will all get done without a lot of stress from you.
Some things that you may want to make a Checklist Template for:
Things that you do over and over. Such as When I build a website, there are several things that I need on each one. I have a form that i created that I print off and complete as I do the site. This includes keywords, advertising, privacy statements, article marketing, and passwords and usernames to log into everything. Everything that I need is then on one page and filled out as I go. Once I have that page filled, I then know I am complete and it should be a sucessful website. Without that paper I would be lost. I would be spinning my wheels and forgetting somethings that I know make the website sucessful.
Anything that you do over and over you can create a form in excel or Word that you can follow. Do it as a checklist. Leave spaces that you can write notes.
What these work for:
Say you do several survey sites and you have a goal of how much you want to earn with each site each day, you would write that on the paper and then check off when you reach your amount, then move on to the next list.
If you want to write a hub at hubpages mark that on the list once it's complete check it off.
If you want to do a squidoo page - again mark it off when your done..
As you see it won't take long to jot down the notes and when your ready to do it, all you have to do is read, do and remove from the list. This truely is a time-saver. You will be shocked at how much work you can get done following a list. You will reach your online goals by doing it this way.
You won't get everything done in one setting, but with lists you will get done more than if you didn't have a list.
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